Big Data on Computer

An Expanded and Strategic View of Discontinuous Innovations: Deploying a Service-Dominant Logic

Stefan Michel, IMD
Stephen W. Brown, Arizona State University
Andrew S. Gallan, DePaul University

The service-dominant logic (S-D logic) provides a novel and valuable theoretical perspective that necessitates a rethinking and reevaluation of the conventional literature on innovation. This literature is built upon a goods-dominant logic and has resulted in a restricted and out-moded perspective that overlooks many major discontinuous innovations. In this article, we show how many innovations can be better understood by deploying a S-D logic perspective. We present six S-D logic categories of discontinuous innovation positing that they can help scholars and managers analyze, design and implement breakthrough advances in resource use. We argue that discontinuous innovation can arise by changing any of the customers’ roles of users, buyers and payers on the first dimension. On the second dimension, the firm changes its value creation by embedding operant resources into objects, by changing the integrators of resources, and by reconfiguring value constellations. Finally, we offer some managerial and research implications of this expanded and strategic view of discontinuous innovation.

Michel, Stefan, Stephen W. Brown, and Andrew S. Gallan (2008), “An Expanded and Strategic View of Discontinuous Innovations: Deploying a Service-Dominant Logic,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36 (1), 54-66.