Mary Jo Bitner and Stephen Brown Receive Grönroos Award 2017
We are very excited to share that CSL’s Co-Executive Director Mary Jo Bitner and CSL’s Distinguished Faculty and the former CSL’s Executive Director Stephen Brown were selected for the prestigious Grönroos Award. The Grönroos Award acknowledges pioneering and innovative advancements in service research in the spirit of the Nordic School of Marketing thought.
Professor Mary Jo Bitner was recognized for her relentless devotion to service research thereby creating service-marketing innovations, such as the 7P structure and the servicescape concept, and for her continued leadership of the Center for Services Leadership.
Professor Emeritus Stephen W. Brown was recognized for his initiative to establish the Center for Services Leadership, the first research center devoted specifically to service research and the study of service marketing, and for his many years of successful leadership inspiring young researchers to continue service-marketing research.
The award was handed out by professor Maria Holmlund-Rytkönen from CERS, on the 22nd July, in Frontiers in Service Conference, in New York. It was the first time when the award was appointed to two persons.
The Grönroos Award was instituted in 2010 in Professor Christian Grönroos’ honour – when he resigned from being director of Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS) – to acknowledge his pioneering and innovative advancements in service research in the spirit of the Nordic School of Marketing thought.