A Multidisciplinary Design Model for New Service Offering Transfers and Internal Integration in Retail Chain Services: A Research Agenda*
Aleda V. Roth, Clemson University
Jeff Shockley, Radford University
This article examines the question: how can retail service chains instantiate new service offerings throughout their organizational design systems? We address a central theme in new service innovation research: new service offerings and concepts will often require sticky information transfer of new knowledge gained externally from customers and competitors and internally from intra-firm employees, systems, and business entities. We develop a multidisciplinary, strategic design model that is useful for integrating and sharing knowledge across retail chain stores (RCS).
Illustrate effective new service offering transfer for effective execution at the store level.
Introduce the 3S’s for service effectiveness measurement: 1) standards; 2) systems and 3) sensing mechanisms.
Conclude with research agenda for advancing scholarly research in retail chain services.
* Roth, A.V. and J. Shockley “A Multidisciplinary Design Model for New Service Offering Trans- fers and Internal Integration in Retail Chain Services” MIS Review (Special Issue on Service Sci- ence), forthcoming 2010.