New CSL White Paper – Customer Success in the Age of Data
Customer Success (CS) is a new concept helping companies find ways to retain customers and maximize revenues in a business environment characterized by big data, changing modes of consumption and new business models. The latest white paper produced by the CSL, along with members of the CSL’s advisory board, reports on a seminar for member companies of the Center for Services Leadership. Participants learned about the market conditions and other trends that make Customer Success Management an effective tool. The group took a fresh look at the customer journey and the role of data in gaining insights into customer behavior. Successful CS implementation poses challenges: managers and executives in attendance discussed the ways they are finding solutions to those challenges in their companies right now.
You can download the white paper by visiting the CSL’s Learning Center. To register or log in, go to this link: https://research.wpcarey.asu.edu/services-leadership/csl-learning-center-home/