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A Reference Model for Sustainable E-Learning Service Systems: Experiences with the Joint University/Teradata Consortium

Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Michael Goul, Arizona State University
Mary E. Gros, Teradata Corporation

Many e-learning service systems fail. This is particularly true for those sponsored by joint industry/university consortia where substantial economic investments are required up-front. This paper provides an industry/university consortia reference model validated through experiences with the eight year old Teradata University Network. The reference model addresses basic and advanced sustainability capabilities that integrate partner, application, faculty, student and e-learning service system issues. Our validation of the reference model includes a mapping to the literature regarding recent advances in e-learning service system infrastructures and supported capabilities. One outcome of that validation step is a comprehensive set of capability assessment questions to be used by consortia.


* Corresponding Author

Demirkan, H., Goul, M. and Gros, M. (2010) “A Reference Model for Sustainable E-Learning Service Systems: Experiences with the Joint University/Teradata Consortium,” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 8 (1), 151-189, January.