Graph showing growth

Service-Driven Manufacturing: Provision, Evolution and Financial Impact of Services in Industrial Firms

Heiko Gebauer, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Guang-Jie Ren, IBM Almaden Research Center
Aku Valtakoski, BIT Research Center, Alto University School of Science
Javier Reynoso, EGADE Business School

Competing through service is no longer limited to service companies. Manufacturing companies are also beginning to realize the strategic importance of service in gaining a competitive advantage. The paper contains guidelines for manufacturing managers interested in the evolution from products to services in different industries. It can also be used as a relevant source of ideas and guidance for all those interested in doing research in services strategies in manufacturing.


Heiko Gebauer, Guang-Jie Ren, Aku Valtakoski, and Javier Reynoso Service-Driven Manufacturing: Provision, Evolution and Financial Impact of Services in Industrial Firms,” Journal of Service Management, 23(1), 2012, pp. 120-136.