SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View
JOIN US ON A SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View on January 15th, 2016!
We invite you to experience a set of integrated service design frameworks that, when used together, are a powerful tool for creating and sustaining customer experience that is aligned with your organization’s brand and customer experience strategy
1. Service Blueprinting
Your day begins with step-by-step instructions on how to create service blueprints. You will learn the blueprinting approach and process – five components that, when drawn up together, can help you make your customer-company relationship and the customer experience crystal-clear.
2. Customer Journey Mapping
Next we go deeper into your customers’ service experience by creating a customer journey map. The customer journey map is a visual representation of the different touchpoints that characterize their interactions with the service. We will work step-by-step as when service blueprinting, except now we also consider critical intangible elements such as affinity, pride, and satisfaction.
3. Customer Brand Encounters
Here we introduce a process designed to guide you in determining how closely aligned your customers’ actual experiences and perceptions are to what they expect from your brand. We will demonstrate how to pull insights from your service blueprint and your customer journey map to uncover new ways to strengthen brand preference and loyalty.
4. Making it Real
Now it is your turn! We will work with you as you complete a service
expedition for your company. This is your opportunity to design
your services according to your customers’ needs and eliminate
potential failure points in your delivery efforts. You will finish the
day with outlining an action plan to take back to your organization.