Data Report

Service Logic: Understanding and Implementing the Service Perspective on Business and Marketing from a Management Point of View

Christian Grönroos, Hanken School of Economics Finland
Johanna Gummerus, Hanken School of Economics Finland
Annika Ravald, Hanken School of Economics Finland
Päivi Voima, Hanken School of Economics Finland

The service perspective on business and marketing has developed quickly since the early 2000s. However, most of the published research is still based on a systemic view of this perspective, put forward as service-dominant logic (SDL). Because of this approach, the understanding of the service perspective remains abstract and fits a macro level analysis well. For managerial purpose a micro level approach is needed. The purpose of service logic (SL) research is develop models and concepts of a service perspective, which enable a managerial understanding and implementation of value creation, value co-creation, marketing and other business processes.