ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond
Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, we’d also love it if you’d share with your networks!
This Week’s ServiceFriday Posts: August 30, 2019
Sharing Economy Services: Business Model Generation
Shared economy service companies such as Uber have grown rapidly in the past decade but this rapid growth has also led to a unique set of challenges. This study offers insight into how these type of companies can counteract these challenges.
Invest in Divestment – How to Avoid Customer Revenge
When the time comes for service providers to divest from contracts, it is common for customers to seek revenge through various means. But researchers have identified ways to alleviate these undesirable effects as well as when to use certain divestment tactics.
I Buy What I Am: How Self-Esteem Impacts Consumer Purchase Behavior
In this study, the self-esteem of consumers is linked to consumer purchase behavior. Researchers examine why people choose to purchase inferior products and services and discover the effect of compensatory consumption as well.