ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond
Welcome to the CSL’s “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more. The posts are curated to cover topics that are interesting, relevant, and thought provoking in the realm of service, business, education, and beyond. If you like our blog and posts, we’d also love it if you’d share with your networks!
ServiceFriday Posts for September 13, 2019
Eye of the Beholder: How Beauty Impacts Customer Behavior
There are many service providers that use beauty to their advantage as a part of their marketing campaigns. But what evidence, if any, exists that supports the notion that the physical attractiveness of service providers and employees positively affects customer responses? This study is of the first to offer critical insight into this question.
Justice for All: The Impact of Perceived Justice After a Service Recovery
Customers naturally hold service firms accountable for service failures, but do they always feel that they’ve received justice? Is there any link between perceived justice after a service recovery and customer behavioral responses such as re-patronage intentions? This piece focuses on these topics and more that come from a recent service study.
Churning Heads: How Positive Churn is Reshaping Dating Apps
While there exists a plethora of research on negative churn, one recent study examined positive churn, when a customer terminated service because his/her needs were satisfied. Positive churn, as this study shows, can have a big impact on service companies, therefore, management would be wise to take note.