Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce
* Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
James C. Spohrer, IBM
Agility and innovation are essential for survival in today’s business world. Mergers and acquisitions, new regulations, rapidly changing technology, increasing competition and heightened customer expectations mean companies must become more responsive to changing demands. This move to agility through innovation can be possible with the service oriented solutions offered by Collaborative Servitized Enterprises (CSE). In this article, the authors demonstrate the architecture of a CSE and develop a multidisciplinary research program, incorporating a more science-based approach to the effective, scalable, secure, and knowledge-driven design and development of collaborative servitized enterprises, to address some of today’s commoditization lead issues. The authors’ primary objective is to lay the foundation of an integrated service culture, which is characterized by a cross-disciplinary attitude that fulfills customers’ needs. A secondary attitude within that culture is an awareness of the complexities associated with service tradeoff decision-making, requiring a careful balance of value, risk, cost, and quality of service.
* Corresponding Author
Demirkan, H. and Spohrer, J. C., (2010) “Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce,” International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering and Technology, 1 (1), 68-81.