What You Need to Know About Collaborative Consumption
Collaborative consumption (CC) has emerged as a new business model that has been very effective in serving Millennials. However, what does it really entail and when will it be successful? In CC, a platform provider acts as a matchmaker, so that a customer can access assets of a peer service provider. This article discusses how the motives, activities, resources and capabilities of each party are critical to its success. Check out this video that tells you “Everything You Need to Know about CC in Four Minutes!”
For more information about the research project, check out the Journal of Business Research paper “Collaborative Consumption (CC): A Triadic Framework and Avenues for Further Research” by Sabine Benoit (University of Surrey, UK), Thomas L Baker (University of Alabama, USA), Ruth N. Bolton (Arizona State University, USA), Thorsten Gruber (Loughborough University) and Jay Kandampully (Ohio State University, USA), 2017. Here is the link to the paper on Ruth N. Bolton’s personal website: http://www.ruthnbolton.com/Publications/CollaborativeConsumptionTriadicFramework.pdf
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Collaborative consumption or the sharing economy explained in 4 minutes!