Business Newspaper

When Designing Multiple Channels, Mirror Attributes Matter

Offering a seamless multichannel service is a priority for many companies. This research offers a model that can help marketers focus their effort in achieving customer satisfaction across different channels. The research team introduces the 5C model of customer satisfaction that can be used to benchmark performance across various channels. Getting these “mirror attributes” right within each channel as well as across various channels will set you up for a more consistent service and higher customer satisfaction in multichannel environments:

  • choice (assortment breadth and depth),
  • charge (availability of fair prices),
  • convenience (efficiency of the purchase process),
  • confidence (security of transactions), and
  • care (assurance of promised quality).

The article “Channels in the Mirror: An Alignable Model for Assessing Customer Satisfaction in Concurrent Channel Systems” is currently available free of charge in the OnlineFirst section of Journal of Service Research