About the Center

The Center for Services Leadership is a groundbreaking research center within the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University that concentrates on expanding service innovation by combining the latest scientific insights from the academic world with the best of service strategy in the business world. The CSL was created in 1985 as a response to the unique set of challenges that companies faced. While others were focusing on products and manufacturing enterprises, the CSL pioneered the study of service. Today, the Center is a globally recognized authority and thought leader in the science of competing strategically through the profitable use of service.

Core Strategies

  • To conduct and support relevant, meaningful, and rigorous research to advance the science of service across disciplines.
  • To provide access to knowledge and knowledge transfer related to the science of service for professionals and students (UG, Masters and PhD).
  • To connect and facilitate productive relationships among academic, industry and societal leaders to advance the theory and practice of service.
  • To secure current self-sustaining financial model and continue to contribute financially to WPC and ASU.

Key Activities and Partnerships

  • Student Education
  • Problem-Focused Research
  • Executive and Professional Development
  • Corporate Membership

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Contact Us

Center for Services Leadership
W. P. Carey School of Business
PO Box 872106
Tempe, AZ 85287-2106

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