Strategic Service Institute
Strategic Service Institute
Join us @ McCord Hall, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University Tempe Campus!
The Strategic Service Institute is geared toward managers responsible for the implementation of service strategies such as satisfaction programs or managing service teams. Participants will come away with an understanding of service delivery and execution as well as a deeper, more strategic comprehension of how to strategically advance service leadership within their organization.
Program Overview
The Strategic Service Institute brings new knowledge, frameworks, and approaches into an actionable learning journey specifically for service foundations and strategic services leadership. Attendees examine operational frameworks and take steps to achieve implementation. SSI is a highly interactive program where participants bring their specific challenges, share current issues, and develop action plans to enable you and your team to lead and transform your service organization. What makes SSI unique?
- Focused: Participants bring with them a specific services challenge that will be worked on during the course of the program with guidance from faculty experts.
- Executive Coaching: An executive coach works directly with participants to develop an action plan for their particular service challenge.
- Networking: Valuable connections are made with other professionals and program faculty during the program and beyond.
- Team Based Learning: Bringing members of your team to SSI brings you together in a "spoken language" and understanding of service management and strategy. Your team will be ready to return to the office and quickly implement your action plan.
Pricing and Registration
SSI Team Guide
SSI Faculty and Presentations
Module 1 – Service Management
Essential toolsets to develop (or improve!) the foundation for outstanding organizational service performance. Participants will return with the practical, fundamental managerial knowledge base to vault the organization to the next level of service excellence NOW.
This module provides participants a solid command of the key levers associated with service excellence. Moreover, this content provides a foundation for the Advanced Service Leadership Module.All team members with a hand in service design and delivery from the CEO to front line management, benefit from sharing a common foundational language pertaining to the tools in the “service toolkit” and how best to leverage them. The Service Management Module provides this common foundational language, as well as the practical tools to design and deliver service on an operational level. At the conclusion of this learning experience, each attendee will receive a Certificate in Service Management.
Topics Covered: Components Underpinning Excellence in Service Delivery; Designing the Service Experience with Service Blueprinting; Implementing and Delivering the Service Experience; Understanding the Impact of Service Experience on the Customer
Each module may be taken individually, or together over the course of five days. To derive the greatest benefit, multiple persons from the same organization should attend both modules.
Module 2 – Advanced Service Leadership
Leverage the tool sets acquired in Module 1 to strategically pilot the organization to the NEXT levels of service excellence.
For individuals with considerable understanding of service excellence, the Advanced Service Leadership Module provides a deeper, more strategic approach to identify what’s NEXT for your organization’s service frontier – and how to chart a course to get there. Cutting-edge strategies associated with advanced service leadership will be explored in this module, to expand the skill set of individuals who are charged with leading in highly dynamic, competitive service contexts. At the conclusion of this learning experience, each attendee will receive a Certificate in Advanced Service Leadership. Participants in Module 1, as well as participants in past Strategic Leadership Institutes, Module 2 provides entirely new and different material.
Topics Covered: Unleashing Service Growth; Getting Closer to the Customer; Capturing Value from Services to Secure Profitable Growth; Leading the Service Organization
Each module may be taken individually, or together over the course of five days. To derive the greatest benefit, multiple persons from the same organization should attend both modules.
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As an added benefit to signing up to our mailing list, you will gain exclusive access to our “Services Blueprinting Toolkit,” a versatile technique for service and innovation.
Contact Us
Center for Services Leadership
W. P. Carey School of Business
PO Box 872106
Tempe, AZ 85287-2106