Distinguished Faculty

Leonard Berry

Leonard Berry
Distinguished Professor and Regents Professor
M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership
Mays Business School
Texas A&M University

Dr. Leonard L. Berry is University Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Regents Professor, and holds the M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. He also is a Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence. As a Visiting Scientist at Mayo Clinic in 2001-2002, he conducted an in-depth research study of healthcare service, the basis for his book, Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic (2008). Concurrent with his faculty position in Mays Business School, Dr. Berry is a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement studying service improvement in cancer care for patients and their families.

Professor Berry has written ten books in all, including: Discovering the Soul of Service; On Great Service; Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality; and Delivering Quality Service. He is the author of numerous academic articles and an invited lecturer throughout the world.

Professor Berry’s teaching and research have been widely recognized with many honors for his contributions, including Fellow of the American Marketing Association (AMA), the Paul D. Converse Award, the AMA/McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, the Career Contributions to Services Marketing Award from the AMA, the Outstanding Marketing Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science, and Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science. Texas A&M awarded him the Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching (1990) and the Distinguished Achievement Award in Research (1996 and 2008), the highest honors bestowed upon its faculty members. In 2014, he was selected as the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Doctoral Alumni Award from the Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, and in 2015 the Mays Business School at Texas A&M awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award for Research and Scholarship.

A former national president of the American Marketing Association, Dr. Berry founded the Center for Retailing Studies at Texas A&M in 1982 and served as its director through 2000.

David Bowen

David Bowen
Faculty Emeritus
Thunderbird at Arizona State University

David is Faculty Emeritus, and Former Chief Academic Officer, Thunderbird School of Global Management where he also was the G. Robert & Katherine Herberger Chair in Global Management; and is a member of the “Distinguished Global Faculty Network”, Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University.

David has a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Organizational Behavior) and an M.B.A., both from Michigan State University. His B.A. is from Alma College, Alma, Michigan where he has also served on the Board of Trustees.

His service research has focused on issues such as employee empowerment, service climate and culture, “strong” HRM systems, managing customers as human resources, and the changing roles of employees in service delivery.

He received the “Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award”; served as an Associate Editor, Journal of Service Research; received Article of the Year Awards from Academy of Management Perspectives and Journal of Service Research, and earned the prestigious Academy of Management Review “Decade Award” for article impact. He has also published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Sloan Management Review, Organizational Dynamics, and Journal of Service Management. His books include the interdisciplinary Advances in Services Marketing and Management series, JAI Press, and Winning the Service Game, Harvard Business School Press.

Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown
Emeritus Edward M. Carson Chair and Professor of Marketing Distinguished Faculty
Center for Services Leadership
W. P. Carey School of Business

Stephen W. Brown is the Edward M. Carson Chair, Professor of Marketing Emeritus and Distinguished Faculty with the Center for Services Leadership (CSL), W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. He is also a Strategic Partner with The INSIGHT Group. From its founding in 1985 until May 2011, he served as the CSL’s executive director. He is also a former national president of the American Marketing Association.

Professor Brown has co-authored and co-edited 23 books and over 100 articles. Much of his research and writing focuses on the science of service and the topics of strategic services marketing, service excellence and recovering from service failures. Currently, he’s devoting major research, executive teaching and consulting to the area of service infusion or growing service revenues in product-dominant companies.

Dr. Brown has been identified as one of the ten most frequent contributors to the English-language services marketing literature in the world. He’s been awarded honorary doctoral degrees from the HANKEN School of Economics in Finland and from Karlstad University in Sweden. He is the recipient of the Career Contributions to Services Marketing Award from the American Marketing Association and the Educator of the Year Award from the Association for Service Management International. He serves as a speaker and seminar leader for conferences and business meetings around the world.

Dr. Brown has co-founded three companies, and he serves on the boards of directors of several companies and a nonprofit organization.

Robert Cialdini

Robert Cialdini
Former Regents’ Professor of Psychology and Marketing
W. P. Carey School of Business

Robert B. Cialdini is Regents’ Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. He has taught at Stanford University and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has been elected president of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award of the Society for Consumer Psychology, the Donald T. Campbell Award for Distinguished Contributions to Social Psychology, the (inaugural)Peitho Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Science of Social Influence, and the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.

Professor Cialdini’s book Influence: Science and Practice, which was the result of a three-year program of study into the reasons that people comply with requests in everyday settings, has sold over two million copies while appearing in numerous editions and twenty-six languages. His recently coauthored new book titled, YES! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive, has appeared on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best seller lists.

Bo Edvardsson

Bo Edvardsson
Professor and Director, Service Research Center
Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT
University of Karlstad, Sweden

Bo Edvardsson (Bo.Edvardsson@kau.se, Phone +46-70-6334478) is Professor and Founder, CTF-Service Research Center and Vice president, Karlstad University, Sweden and Professor II at NHH in Bergen. He is the former editor of Journal of Service Industry Management and a fellow at Center for Service Leadership at Arizona State University and National University of Singapore. He has an honorary doctorate from Hanken in Helsinki and Bo is International Fellow at International Business School of Service Management in Hamburg. His research covers service systems and service-dominant logic, service quality, new service development and service innovation, customer experiences and transition from products to service in manufacturing. In 2008, he received the RESER Award “Commendation for lifetime achievement to scholarship” by The European Association for Service Research and in 2004 The AMA Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award. In 2013 he was awarded Honorary Distinguished Professor of Service Management at EGADE Business School. He has written 12 books and 96 journal articles and published in journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Technovation and Marketing Theory.

Raymond Fisk

Raymond Fisk
Professor and Chair
Department of Marketing
McCoy College of Business Administration Texas State University

Raymond P. Fisk (B.S., M.B.A., and Ph.D. from Arizona State University) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing, at Texas State University-San Marcos. He has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, European Journal of Marketing, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Journal of Marketing Education, Marketing Education Review and others. He has published six books: Serving Customers: Global Services Marketing Perspectives; Services Marketing: An Interactive Approach, 4th Ed.; Services Marketing Self-Portraits: Introspections, Reflections and Glimpses from the Experts; Marketing Theory: Distinguished Contributions; AIRWAYS: A Marketing Simulation; and Services Marketing: An Annotated Bibliography. He is Past President of the American Marketing Association’s Academic Council. He founded the AMA Services Marketing Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) in 1993 and has served SERVSIG in many other leadership roles. The American Marketing Association made him the Inaugural Recipient of the SIG Leadership Award in 2016. He received the Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award from SERVSIG in 2005. In 2012, he received the Grönroos Service Research Award from the CERS Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Department of Marketing, Hanken School of Economics, Finland. Recently, he co-founded the Transformative Service Collaborative.

Christian Grönroos

Christian Grönroos
Professor of Service and Relationship Marketing
CERS Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management
Hanken School of Economics Finland

Dr. Christian Grönroos is Professor of Service and Relationship Marketing at Hanken School of Economics Finland. He is one of the pioneers in the fields of service marketing and management and relationship marketing research and a representative of the internationally recognized Nordic school of marketing thought. He is also the first non-North American to receive AMA’s (Servsig) Career Contribution to the Services Discipline Award. He is a distinguished member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, and member of its board. His the most cited scholar in the business administration and management field in Finland. His views on service and relationship marketing is summarized in his two 2007 books: In Search of a New Logic for Marketing: Foundations of Contemporary Theory and Service Management and Marketing: Managing The Service Profit Logic (4th edition, 2015), both published by John Wiley & Co UK. In 2011 the Sheth Foundation elected him the 11th Legend in Marketing. His current research interests include service logic, adopting a service perspective in manufacturing, and reinventing marketing.

Mike Hutt

Mike Hutt
Ford Motor Company Professor of Marketing
W. P. Carey School of Business

Michael D. Hutt (PhD, Michigan State University) is the Ford Motor Company Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. He received his undergraduate and MBA degrees from Ohio University. He has held faculty positions at Miami University (Ohio) and the University of Vermont. Dr. Hutt’s teaching and research interests are concentrated in the areas of business-to-business marketing and strategic marketing. His current research centers on the marketing-finance interface, particularly the application of financial portfolio theory to customer management. Dr. Hutt’s research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and other scholarly journals. He is the co-author of the popular and widely-adopted text, Business Marketing Management: B2B (Cengage/South-Western), now in its 11th edition. He is also the co-author of Macro Marketing (John Wiley & Sons) and contributing author of Marketing: Best Practices (South-Western). Assuming a variety of leadership roles for American Marketing Association programs, he co-chaired the Faculty Consortium on Strategic Marketing Management. He is a member of the editorial review boards of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Strategic Marketing. For his 2000 contribution to MIT Sloan Management Review, he received the Richard Beckhard Prize. Dr. Hutt has consulted on marketing strategy issues for firms such as IBM, Motorola, Honeywell, AT&T, Arvin Industries, ADT, and Black-Clawson, and for the food industry’s Public Policy Subcommittee on the Universal Product Code.

Parsu Parasuraman

Parsu Parasuraman
James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing
Professor of Marketing
School of Business Administration
University of Miami

A. Parasuraman (“Parsu”) is a Professor and Holder of the James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing (endowed by the Burger King Corporation) and Director of PhD Programs at the School of Business, University of Miami. He obtained his Bachelor of Tech­nology degree in 1970 from IIT-Madras and Master of Business Administration degree in 1972 from IIM-Ahmedabad, India. His Doctor of Business Administra­tion degree, which he obtained in 1975, is from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Dr. Parasuraman teaches and does research in the areas of services marketing, service-quality measure­ment and improvement, and the role of technology in marketing to and serving customers. In 1988 Dr. Parasuraman was selected as one of the “Ten Most Influential Figures in Quality” by the editorial board of The Quality Review, co-published by the American Quality Foundation and the Ameri­can Society for Quality Control. He has received many distinguished teaching and research awards, including multiple Best Professor Awards given by Executive and Regular MBA Classes and the Provost’s Award for Scholarly Research at the University of Miami. In 1998 he received the American Marketing Association’s “Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award” [an annual award bestowed upon one individual who has had a sustained and far-reaching impact on the field]. He received the Academy of Marketing Science’s “Outstanding Marketing Educator Award” in 2001 and was designated as a “Distinguished Fellow” of the Academy in 2004. He has also been named to the Chartered Institute of Marketing (U.K.)’s “Guru Gallery,” which profiles the 50 leading marketing thinkers worldwide. In 2005 he received a “Distinguished Alumnus Award” from IIT-Madras, his undergraduate alma mater. In 2008 the e-TQM College (now Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University) in Dubai established “The Parasuraman Research Grant on Service Quality,” an annual award to foster more scholarly research on service quality throughout the Middle East region. In 2009 the Society for Marketing Advances honored him with the “Elsevier Distinguished Scholar” award. In 2011 Maastricht University in the Netherlands conferred upon him a Honorary Doctorate degree. He is the recipient of the 2012 Paul D. Converse Award for significant scholarly contributions to marketing and the 2013 Gil Churchill Award for Lifetime Contributions to Marketing Research. In 2016 he was induced as a Fellow of the American Marketing Association.

Dr. Parasuraman has published over 130 articles in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, and Sloan Management Review. He has served as editor of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science for a 3-year term (1997-2000) and as editor of the Journal of Service Research for a 4-year term (2005-2009). He also serves on the editorial review boards of ten journals. In addition to coauthoring Marketing Research, a college textbook, Dr. Parasuraman has co-authored three other business books written for practitioners: Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expecta­tions, Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality, and Techno-Ready Marketing: How and Why Your Customers Adopt Technology. He is an active consultant and has conducted dozens of executive seminars on service quality, customer satisfaction and the role of technology in service delivery in many countries.

Aleda Roth

Aleda Roth
Burlington Industries Distinguished Professor in Supply Chain Management
College of Business
Clemson University

Aleda Roth is the Burlington Industries Distinguished Professor in Supply Chain Management at Clemson University since 2006 and is a Texas Institute for Advanced Study (TIAS) Eminent Scholar Visiting at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M. Prior to Clemson, she held the W.P. Carey Endowed Chair at Arizona State University and the Mary Farley Lee Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill. She also held faculty positions at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and Boston University’s School of Management. Aleda is an internationally recognized empirical scholar in service and manufacturing operations strategy. Her research is motivated by theoretical and practical explanations of how firms can best deploy their operations, global supply chain, and technology strategies for the triple bottom line: competitive advantage, sustainability and quality of life. for customer experience strategies; and 4) integration of advanced technologies in businesses.

With over 200 publications, Aleda’s work ranks in the top 1% of production and operations management scholars in the U.S. and ranks 7ths worldwide in service management research. She received over 75 research awards since earning her doctorate in 1986. In 2013, she received a TIAS Eminent Scholar Award. In 2012, her co-authored paper, “Unraveling the Food Supply Chain: Strategic Insights from China and the Recalls,” received a Citation of Excellence Award (top 50 out of 15,000 published in 2008), and was listed in the top 10 of all downloaded papers in JSCM as of 2010; and her paper “New Service Development Competence and Performance: An Empirical Investigation in Retail Banking was recognized as the 2010 Most Influential Paper in Service Management (POM). She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from POMS Service Management College and is an ASU Center for Services Leadership Distinguished Faculty. She was elected by her peers as a Distinguished Fellow of Manufacturing & Service Operations Society (M&SOM), a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) andFellow of the Decision Sciences Institute. Aleda held editorial leadership positions for top journals, including Department Editor for Management Science and POM; Co-Editor-in-Chief for M&SOM, and an Associated Editor for Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Decision Sciences, and Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Aleda served as President of POMS from 2002-2004 and a member of the prestigious Supply Chain Thought Leaders Roundtable. She is an industry-sponsored member of the Conference Board’s Performance Excellence Council since 1991; serves on Executive Advisory Committee of the U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Initiative, Council of Competitiveness; and has consulted leading global companies. Aleda earned her PhD from The Ohio State University, where she also received her BS. She holds a MSPH in biostatistics from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Chris Voss

Chris Voss
Professor of Operations Management
Warwick Business School

Chris Voss is Professor of Operations Management Warwick Business School and Emeritus Professor of Operations Management at London Business School, where he served as deputy dean, and a senior fellow at the UK’s Advanced Institute for Management Research. He obtained his PhD from London Business School. He is a fellow of DSI, EurOMA and POMS and was elected distinguished scholar by the OM division of the Academy of Management in 2008. He has researched and written extensively in the area of service operations and is founder and leader of the International Service Study, a multi-country study of service operations, and was president of the POMS college of Service Operations from 2006-2009. His recent research has included service design of experience-centric services, service architecture and modularity, e-services, globalization of services and service innovation. His research has been published in: Journal of Service Research, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Decision Science Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management and others. His teaching has included Management of Services, and Managing Sport and Entertainment. He was founder and long-term chairman of the European Operations Management Association, and serves on several editorial boards.

Valarie Zeithaml

Valarie Zeithaml
David S. Van Pelt Family Distinguished Professor of Marketing
Kenan-Flagler Business School
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Zeithaml, the David S. Van Pelt Family Distinguished Professor of Marketing and an award-winning teacher and researcher, is an internationally recognized pioneer of services marketing. She devoted the last 25 years to researching, consulting and teaching service quality, services management and customer equity. Dr. Zeithaml won the 2009 AMA Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award for lifetime leadership in marketing education and extensive contributions to the marketing; the 2008 Paul D. Converse Award for outstanding and enduring contributions to marketing; the 2004 Innovative Contributor to Marketing Award given by the Marketing Management Association; and the Outstanding Marketing Educator Award given by the Academy of Marketing Science. In 2001, she received the American Marketing Association’s Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award. Zeithaml and her co-authors also won the prestigious, inaugural Berry-American Marketing Association Book Prize for their book, Driving Customer Equity: How Customer Lifetime Value is Reshaping Corporate Strategy. She also co-authored the best-selling Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations and the textbook, Services Marketing.

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