Global Faculty

Lisa Bruggen

Lisa Bruggen

Professor of Financial Services

Maastricht University

The Netherlands

Elisabeth (Lisa) Brüggen is Professor for Financial Services at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). She is also member of the supervisory board of NIBUD. She is a Netspar research fellow and she is leading the research theme "Human Decisions and Policy Design" and a research group at the BISS institute, an institute for Business Intelligence and Smart Services. She is an internationally recognized expert in services marketing and financial well-being, particularly regarding pension communications. As such, Prof. Dr. Brüggen has been invited to speak on these topics at academic conferences throughout the world. She is also an internationally recognized expert on pension communication in the public arena where she presents her work to board members of large pension providers or shares her insights through the public press. She has received several awards, including the Emerging Scholar Award from the American Marketing Association and NWO and Netspar Grants for research on pension communication and improving retirement readiness. Prof. Dr. Brüggen combines her passion for teaching with research and publications, including articles in leading journals such as the Journal of Marketing.

Tracey Danaher

Tracey Danaher

Professor of Marketing

Monash University


Dr. Tracey Danaher (previously Dagger) is a Professor in the Department of Marketing at Monash University. Tracey has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Advertising Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Services Marketing, Managing Service Quality and Journal of Consumer Marketing, among others. Her research interests are focused in the area of media planning and services marketing including advertising effectiveness, service quality and satisfaction, relationship marketing, customer value co-creation, and servicescape research. She has a particular interest in health care marketing. Tracey serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Service Research and has successfully won several large National grants. Currently, Tracey is the Academic Director of the Australian Centre for Retail Studies at Monash University.

Jenny van Doorn

Jenny van Doorn

Associate Professor of Marketing

Department of Marketing University of Groningen

The Netherlands

Jenny van Doorn is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Jenny's research interests are customer engagement, i.e. non-transactional customer behaviors, the use of new technology and robotics in the service frontline and sustainability and food waste. Her work has appeared in Journal of Marketing, Harvard Business Review and Journal of Service Research. She has worked with several companies in Germany, the Netherlands and the US on projects generating both scientific and practical insights and is also a researcher for the Customer Insights Center (CIC) at the University of Groningen.

Xiucheng Fan

Xiucheng Fan

Professor of Marketing Director of the Center for Service Marketing and Management

School of Management Fudan University


Xiucheng Fan is a Professor of Marketing and the Director of the Center for Service Marketing and Management at School of Management, Fudan University. His research interest includes services marketing, relationship marketing, and branding. He is the author of several influential marketing books in China, including Marketing Management (2006), Services Marketing (2008), and Service Management (2006). His works has appeared in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Service Management. His research has been supported by National Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has been included in New Century Talent Program of the ministry of education of China, and is a winner of nation-wide Baogang Outstanding Teachers Award. He is a panelist of Management Science Department of NSFC and is the associate editor of Nankai Business Review and Journal of Marketing Science.

Yany Grégoire

Yany Grégoire

Associate Professor

HEC Montreal


Professor Grégoire holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Western Ontario (Ivey) and an M. Sc. from HEC Montréal. From 2004 to 2010, he taught at Washington State University—first as an assistant and then an associate professor. A proud Québécois, Professor Grégoire returned home in 2010 as an Associate Professor at HEC. Since 2014, he is the Holder of the Chair on Service Marketing and Customer Experience. Professor Grégoire published numerous papers in major academic journals including: Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Personnel Psychology. A popular instructor, Professor Grégoire has earned numerous awards for the quality of his teaching at Ivey, WSU and HEC Montréal. In 2010, he was elected "Faculty Member of the Year" by the MBA students at WSU. He typically teaches courses with a strong managerial orientation, such as Marketing Management, Service Marketing, E-commerce and Relationship Marketing, at all levels (undergraduate, MSc, MBA, PhD and Executive Education). He is also highly involved in the supervision of master and PhD students at HEC and other institutions. He has published extensively on the issues of customer revenge, online public complaining and other issues related to service failure and recovery. He also actively researches other managerial issues such as customer rejection and sense of humor in sales. He is a member of different editorial boards, including: Journal of Service Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, and Journal of Business to Business Marketing. His work has also been regularly presented in premier consumer, marketing, and service conferences (e.g., ACR, AMA, SCP and AOM). Apart from work, he enjoys good wine and food, practicing sports, « fixing » his house, spending quality time with friends, family and his charming wife, traveling and watching movies.

Anders Gustafsson

Anders Gustafsson

Professor of Business Administration Service Research Center 

Karlstad University


Anders Gustafsson is a professor of business administration in the Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden. Dr. Gustafsson is an author of ten books including: Competing in a Service Economy: How to Create a Competitive Advantage through Service Development and Innovation” (Jossey-Bass, 2003), Improving Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Profit: An Integrated Measurement and Management System (Jossey-Bass, 2000), Conjoint Measurement - Methods and Applications (Springer, 2007 4th edition). In addition, Dr. Gustafsson has published over 150 academic articles, book chapters and industry reports. He has published articles in journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Journal of Service Research. Dr. Gustafsson is working on issues like; customer satisfaction and loyalty, new service development and innovation, service infusion in manufacturing, and management of customer relationships.  Lately he has also started to study decision making and influence strategies in retail settings mostly using field experiments. Dr. Gustafsson is an experienced lecturer teaches a variety of courses at different universities in Sweden and in different executive education programs nationally and internationally (Europe and Asia). He has also carried out a variety of national and international consulting projects for companies such as Ikea, Ericsson, Volvo, Telia Sonera, and Daimler-Chrysler.

Kirk Kristofferson

Kirk Kristofferson

Assistant Professor

Marketing Ivey Business School Western University London, ON



    Birgit Mager

    Professor of Service Design

    Köln International School of Design

    University of Applied Sciences

                        Cologne, Germany

Since 1995 Birgit Mager holds the first European professorship on “Service Design” at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany and since then has developed the field of Service Design constantly in theory, methodology and in practice. Her numerous lectures, her publications and her projects have strongly supported the implementation of a new understanding of the economical, ecological and social function of design in the domain of services.

Birgit Mager has lectured and taught as a guest professor in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Africa, Brazil, USA, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Bulgaria, England, the Netherlands and in Belgium.

She has conducted research projects on Service Design for the German Ministry of Research and Science and also in collaboration with national and international partners like Deutsche Bank, OMV, Siemens, German Telekom, McDonalds, Nokia and many more.

Birgit Mager is Co-Founder and President of the International Service Design Network, editor in chief of Touchpoint, the international Journal of Service Design, founder and manager of sedes research, the Center for Service Design Research at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

She is member of numerous boards and juries.

Janet McColl-Kennedy

Janet R. McColl-Kennedy

Professor of Marketing

The University of Queensland Australia

Visiting Professor University of Cambridge

Janet R. McColl-Kennedy is Professor of Marketing in the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and a Visiting Professor, ongoing, at the University of Cambridge. She is recognized internationally as a leading researcher in Service Science. Her research interests include service recovery, customer complaining behavior, customer emotions, customer rage, customer experience management and customer value co-creation. Professor McColl-Kennedy has a particular interest in healthcare and the professions. She leads several international research teams with over 100 publications (78 being refereed international journal articles). She is published in: Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Service Research, European Journal of Marketing, California Management Review, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management and Industrial Marketing Management. She services on the Editorial Board of several journals including the Journal of Service Research. Professor McColl-Kennedy has been awarded several large competitive research grants worth over $2.5 million. She has been a visiting professor at several prestigious business schools around the world. University profile here Google Scholar profile here

Stefan Michel

Stefan Michel

Professor of Marketing



As a Professor of Marketing at IMD (Switzerland), Stefan Michel's major research interests are in marketing strategy, service management and pricing. He has written five books, eight book chapters, and more than twenty newspaper articles on these subjects, as well as many academic articles that have appeared in journals including Harvard Business Review, California Management Review and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He won the Emerald Literati Award 2009 by the Journal of Service Management, the Best Paper Award at the 10th Research Seminar in Services Management 2008 in La Londe and the Best Paper Award in Marketing Strategy at the AMA Winter Educators' Conference in 2005. Prior to joining IMD, Professor Michel was Associated Professor of Marketing at Thunderbird School of Global Management (USA), where he taught in the MBA and EMBA programs, as well as in customized corporate learning programs for European, Korean and Chinese companies. He introduced various successful teaching innovations and received several awards for excellence in teaching. In addition, he is founder and director of a marketing consultancy that provides services to companies including Credit Suisse, Interbrand Zintzmeyer&Lux, Concordia, Postfinance, and he ran his family's hotel business as chairman of the board. Professor Michel holds an MBA and a DBA from the University of Zurich, both summa cum laude. He received the 1997 Best Dissertation Award, granted by the Swiss Society for Market and Social Research.

Andrea Ordanini

Andrea Ordanini

Professor of Marketing Associate Director CSSlab

Bocconi University


Andrea Ordanini is a Professor and currently Chair of the Marketing Department at the Bocconi University of Milan, Italy. He is  also responsible of the Service Lab in the Cermes (Center for Research on Marketing and Services) at the same university. He holds a PhD in Business Administration, and was a visiting professor at the University of California at Irvine in 2003 and 2006. He was the recipient of the IBM academic award for Service Science in 2007, and one of his papers was awarded as Journal of Service Research Best Article in 2012. His research interests span across different topics of service marketing, with a peculiar attention to service innovation, service co-production, and service creativity.

Lia Patrício

Lia Patrício

Associate Professor Department of Industrial Engineering 

School of Engineering University of Porto


Lia Patrício, PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Porto, is Associate Professor at the School of Engineering. Her research focuses on Service Design and Customer Experience, particularly the design of technology enabled services and complex service systems, value networks and ecosystems. She is the Principal Investigator of the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network in Service Design for Innovation. She has been involved in research projects in several service industries, such as retailing, banking, IT and health care. Her research has been published in Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Requirements Engineering, Engineering Design, among others. She has received the Best Paper Award at QUIS 13 for her research on value co-creation in complex services with many actors. She serves at the editorial board of the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, and Service Science Journal.

Lijin (Emma) Qiu

Lijin (Emma) Qiu

Assistant Professor of Marketing

School of Management Fudan University


Prof. Lijin (Emma) Qiu, Ph.D. of Business Administration, currently is the assistant professor of marketing at School of Management, Fudan University, China. At the same time, she is also the General Secretary of Center of Service Marketing and Management (CSMM) of Fudan University, the Global Faculty, Center of Service Leadership, Arizona State University (US), International Faculty Fellow of MIT (US), academic director of FUON Sports Marketing Center, Fudan University and the Courtesy Professor at Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, University of Oregon, US. Prof. Qiu visited Center of Service Leadership, Arizona State University (US), Harvard Business School (US), MIT (US), Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, University of Oregon (US) and SDA, Bocconi University (Italy) as a visiting scholar. Her research areas are Servitization in Manufacturing, Customer value co-creation, Transformative Service, Customer Behavior Analysis in the Emerging Markets, and so on. Dr. Qiu is serving on the Advisory Board of Atlas Copco, OFA.

Javier Reynoso

Javier Reynoso

Professor and Chair of Service Management Research

EGADE Business School The Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM)


Javier Reynoso obtained a Ph.D. degree in Service Management at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, England. He is Professor and Chair of Service Management research at EGADE Business School of Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) in Monterrey, Mexico.  During 2000-2011 Professor Reynoso designed and coordinated the Service Management graduate and undergraduate Certificates at EGADE Business School and Monterrey Institute of Technology. Both pioneer academic programs in Latin America in this field. He is a leading researcher in Service Management in Latin America. He has presented papers in major international service conferences in fifteen different countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. He is member of the international editorial board of the Journal of Service Research and the Journal of Service Management. His contributions to Service Management have been published in books and journals in the United States, Sweden, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Australia and China. Professor Reynoso is also an active international scholar and consultant. He has participated as visiting professor in Service Management at universities in the US, Sweden, Finland, England, Spain, Italy, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, China and Japan. He has 20 years of experience in conducting consultancy projects and executive seminars for organizations in a variety of service industries in Latin America, including the public sector. In three occasions, 1999, 2005 and 2013, he has received the ITESM's Teaching and Research Faculty Award for his contributions in the service sector. He was listed in the Top 15 MBA Professors in Latin America, by Revista America Economia in 2012. He was awarded membership level 2 of the National Research System, by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT), for his contributions to the scientific development of Service Management in Mexico. He received the Romulo Garza Research Award 2012 at Monterrey Tech, as co-author of “Administración de Servicios”, the first text book in Spanish on Service Management used in more than 20 countries.

Ko de Ruyter

Ko de Ruyter

Professor of Marketing

Cass Business School University of London

United Kingdom

Ko de Ruyter has published six books and numerous scholarly articles in among others the Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Decision Sciences, Marketing Letters, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Information and Management, European Journal of Marketing and Accounting, Organisation and Society. He serves on the editorial boards of various international academic journals, among which, the Journal of Service Research and the International Journal of Service Industry Management. His research interests concern international service management, e-commerce and customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Steve Tax

Steve Tax

Winspear Scholar Professor of Marketing and Service Management

University of Victoria


Dr. Tax's research interests focus on interdisciplinary issues in services management, notably service recovery, service design, customer performance and service networks. This work has produced a host of articles appearing in such journals as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, Sloan Management Review, the Journal of Service Research, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Operations Management and the Journal of Consumer Psychology. His co-authored article, "Customer Evaluation of Service Complaint Experiences: Implications for Relationship Marketing" won the AMA Award for best services marketing article published in 1998. The article, "Recovering and Learning from Service Failure," was awarded the Richard Beckhard Prize in 2000 for the outstanding article published in Sloan Management Review in the field of planned change and organizational development. His paper introducing the service delivery network was a finalist for best paper in JSR and identified as one of the top ten must read articles by the Marketing Science Institute. He is a past editorial board member of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and currently serves on the board of the Journal of Service Management.

David Tse

David Tse

Chair Professor of International Marketing Director of the Chinese Management Centre

School of Business University of Hong Kong


David K. Tse is the Chair Professor of International Marketing at the Business School of the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include international marketing, marketing in China and service marketing. He published 18 papers in JM, JMR, JCR, and JIBS plus another 27 in other journals such as JA, JBR & JIM. His work has been cited 1200 times in SSCI and 2,500 times in He is an academic trustee for Marketing Science Institute; a fellow of Center for Service Leadership in Arizona State University and a fellow of William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan. Professor Tse sat on a number of research funding panels in China and Hong Kong. Professor Tse spoke at international conferences including World Knowledge Forum, World Marketing Conference and AMCHAM talks. He conducts executive programs/talks for BMW, British Petroleum, Ernst & Young Partner Series, DHL,, Jusco.

Tuure Tuunanen

Tuure Tuunanen

Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems

Department of Information Processing Science University of Jyväskylä


Tuure Tuunanen is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä. He holds a D.Sc. (Econ) from the Helsinki School of Economics. Dr. Tuunanen has worked previously, e.g., at Helsinki School of Economics and University of Auckland Business School. His research has been in the cross-sections of information systems, software engineering, and marketing science and is interested in multi-disciplinary research in the area of service innovation.  His current research interests lie in the areas of value creation, service engineering, and IT enabled and digital services. Dr. Tuunanen’s research has been published, e.g., at J. of Management Information Systems, J. of Association for Information Systems and J. of Service Research. He is an associate editor of Journal of Service Research and an editorial board member at J. of Association for Information Systems and J. of Strategic Information Systems. More about his research can be found at and his publications are available at

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Wolfgang Ulaga

Professor of Marketing

INSEAD, Europe Campus


Peter Verhoef

Peter Verhoef

Professor of Marketing

University of Groningen

The Netherlands

Peter C. Verhoef (1972) is Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2001 at the School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His research interests concern customer management, customer loyalty, multi-channel issues, category management, and buying behavior of organic products. He has extensively published on these topics. His publications have appeared in journals, such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Retailing. His work has been awarded with the Donald R. Lehmann award for the best dissertation based article in the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research in 2003, the Harald M. Maynard Award for the best paper published in Journal of Marketing and the 2012 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award. He is currently an editorial board member of the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research and the Journal of Interactive Marketing. He functions as a senior editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing and is an area editor for the Journal of Marketing Research. He has extensive teaching experience for undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students. He is also involved in executive teaching on customer management and is the founder of the Customer Insights Center, University of Groningen. Since 2009 he is department chair of the marketing department. Early 2016 he will publish a book on Big Data Analytics (

Florian von Wangenheim

Florian von Wangenheim

Professor of Technology Marketing

ETH Zürich


Florian von Wangenheim is Professor of Technology Marketing, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zürich. Before joining ETHZ in 2013, he was a Professor of Service and Technology Marketing at the TUM Business School, Technische Universität München, a junior professor of services management at the University of Dortmund, Germany, and a visiting professor of marketing and services at the University of Passau, Germany. His doctoral degree is from the University of Mainz, Germany (2002). The results of his research appear in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, MSI Research Report Series, Journal of Service Research, among others. For his work, he received the best service paper in 2007 award from the American Marketing Association, and various research awards from organizations such as the Academy of Management (AoM), the German Federal Ministry of Higher Education (BMBF), the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), the German Marketing Association (DMV), and the German Association of Business Professors (VHB). Most of his research projects are conducted with industry partners, including, among others, Hilti, SAP, HP, Ebay, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Lufthansa, BMW, as well as many small and medium-sized firms. His main areas of reseach are Customer Management, Management of Technology-Intensive Services, Solution Marketing and Online Marketing.

Jochen Wirtz

Jochen Wirtz

Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of Marketing

National University of Singapore


Jochen Wirtz is Vice Dean, Graduate Studies, and Professor of Marketing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Further, he is an international fellow of the Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, and Academic Scholar at the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures (CIHF) at Cornell University, US. Previously, Dr Wirtz was the founding director of the dual degree UCLA – NUS Executive MBA Program, ranked globally #6 in the Financial Times 2016 EMBA rankings (from 2002 to 2017), an Associate Fellow at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (from 2008 to 2013), and a founding member of the NUS Teaching Academy, the NUS think-tank on education matters (from 2009 to 2015). Dr Wirtz holds a Ph.D. in services marketing from the London Business School. His research focuses on service marketing and management, and he has published over 200 academic articles, book chapters, and industry reports (including five features in Harvard Business Review). His books include Services Marketing – People, Technology, Strategy (World Scientific, 8th edition, 2016), Winning in Service Markets (World Scientific, 2017), and Essentials of Services Marketing (Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2017). With translations and adaptations for over 26 countries and regions, and combined sales of some 800,000 copies, they have become globally leading services marketing text books. His other books include Flying High in a Competitive Industry: Secrets of the World’s Leading Airline (co-authored with Heracleous and Pangarkar, McGraw Hill, 2009). In recognition of his excellence in teaching and research, Professor Wirtz has received over 40 awards, including the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) 2012 Outstanding Marketing Teacher Award (the highest recognition of teaching excellence of AMS globally) and the prestigious, top university-level Outstanding Educator Award at NUS. He also was the winner of the inaugural Outstanding Service Researcher Award 2010 and the Best Practical Implications Award 2009, both awarded by Emerald Group Publications. He serves on the editorial review boards of over ten academic journals, including the Journal of Service Management, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Science, Journal of Service Theory & Practice, Service Industries Journal, and Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.

Lars Witell

Lars Witell

Professor of Marketing

Linköping University


Lars Witell is a Professor of Marketing at Linköping University, Sweden and holds a position as Professor of Service Management at the CTF Service Research Center at Karlstad University in Sweden. In 2002, he obtained a Ph.D. in Engineering from Linköping University and shortly after that he joined the CTF Service Research Center at Karlstad University. Lars is a guest Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden and has been a visiting scholar at University of Michigan. His research interests concern new service development, service innovation, customer co-creation, service infusion and healthcare. He has published about 50 papers in scholarly journals such as Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Business Research and Industrial Marketing Management, as well as in the popular press, such as The Wall Street Journal. Lars is responsible for an 8-year research program on Service Innovation for Sustainable Business and most of his research is conducted with industry partners such as Volvo, Ericsson, Tetra Pak, SKF and IKEA.

Nancy Wünderlich

Nancy Wünderlich

Professor and Chair of Service Management

University of Paderborn


Nancy V. Wünderlich is a professor of service management at the University of Paderborn, Germany. In 2009, she received her doctoral degree from Technische Universität München, Germany. During her doctoral studies she was a visiting PhD scholar at the CSL. Her dissertation on the acceptance of remote services received international awards from associations such as the American Marketing Association, the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Society of Marketing Advances. Nancy investigates the interplay of technology and services and how customers adopt new service innovations. She also studies success factors of strategic partnerships and customer loyalty programs. Her research has been published in the Journal of Service Research and the Journal of Retailing. Prior to earning her doctoral degree, Nancy worked as a marketing manager in high-tech companies and in the media/entertainment industry. She conducts most of her research projects together with business partners from engineering, retail and aviation.

Bennett Yim

Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim

Associate Dean (Postgraduate) and Professor of Marketing

Faculty of Business and Economics

The University of Hong Kong


Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim is Associate Dean (Postgraduate), Professor of Marketing and Associate Director, Chinese Management Centre at the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. in Management from the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University. His areas of marketing expertise and interest include services marketing, China marketing, and brand choice and purchase behavior modeling. His articles have appeared in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of Business Research. In his current research, he is exploring crowding and service evaluations, anthropomorphized self-serving technologies, service-sales ambidexterity, and customer delight.

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