Service Blueprinting Program Description

You can learn the Service Blueprinting methodology as part of the curriculum in the Strategic Service Institute, or as part of the Certificate in Service Experience Management, or contact us to find out how the CSL can craft a custom education program for your team.

What is the program?

Service Blueprinting provides you with the skills to improve and sustain your service offerings – from the voice of the customer. It is taught by one of our world-class academic instructors who are leading experts in Service Blueprinting. Specifically, this course will help show you how to:

  • Identify ways to build your services according to your customer’s needs, as well as eliminate potential failure points in your delivery efforts.
  • Assess and improve your existing services and processes.
  • Create a common platform for everyone – customers, employees and managers - to participate in the service innovation process.
  • Bring together people from across your organization through the use of a common technique to analyze and improve the customer experience.
  • Address the challenges of effectively delivering intangible services

Who should attend?

This program is perfect for organizations from across all industries, and those in roles such as: service design, service operations, service management and customer service, as well as any professional who can benefit from truly understanding and focusing on your customers.

What will I experience?

You will learn the blueprinting approach and process – five components that, when drawn up together, can help you make your customer-company relationship and the customer experience crystal-clear. You will then apply this technique to a specific service process in your own company, and design your own blueprint.

What will I have achieved?

By the end of the program you will have:

  • Learned the Service Blueprinting approach and technique
  • Blueprinted a specific process unique to your own organization
  • Identified potential gaps and improvements in a specific service process
  • Laid out next steps to confirm gaps and drive improvements
  • Secured insights into how to advance services blueprinting within your organization

You will also have access to a support network via our LinkedIn Service Blueprinting group.

Service Blueprinting

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As an added benefit to signing up to our mailing list, you will gain exclusive access to our “Services Blueprinting Toolkit,” a versatile technique for service and innovation.

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Contact Us

Center for Services Leadership
W. P. Carey School of Business
PO Box 872106
Tempe, AZ 85287-2106

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