Blog Posts

ServiceFriday: Lead The Way – How Leadership Styles Impact Organizational Change Capacity

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” That quote belongs to Warren Bennis, a renowned scholar and author who immersed himself in the field of leadership studies for nearly the entirety of his life. Bennis wrote several books about leadership and later became a consultant to companies looking for guidance in terms of leadership.

ServiceFriday: “That’s On Me.” – Consumer Reaction to Service Failures in Self-Service and Full-Service Settings

IKEA is a furniture retailer that has become world renowned for many reasons, including the frequency in which customers get lost in their stores which are known to be as expansive as the Palace of Versailles.

ServiceFriday: Social Exclusion’s Impact on Consumer Behavior in Crowded Retail Environments

If it’s true that nobody likes to be left out, then this author really wishes tomorrow’s date, February 29, could talk because just imagine everything that that particular date has missed out on.

ServiceFriday: Diversification – Should Firms Attempt It?

In the service industry, how are some firms able to diversify when they are on the extreme end of the intangibility range? It would seem that the best way to remain successful is to specialize in one service and offer only that.

ServiceFriday: Authenticity Makes a Difference

Service providers are regularly told to observe customer’s body language and reactions to a service being offered. What are their facial expressions conveying? Do they seem to be closed off? Are they enjoying the experience or just pretending to? With so much focus on the customer, consideration of the service provider’s own demeanor tends to be ignored.

ServiceFriday: All About Preference: Non-Beneficiary Reactions to Discretionary Preferential Treatment

The green-eyed monster that the character Iago described in Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy is really a metaphor for the building jealousy of Iago’s “friend” Othello. That green-eyed monster has a close cousin (the blue-toed beast?) known as envy.

ServiceFriday: Determining Compensation Size for Recovery Satisfaction

Herd mentality is a phenomena that can cause people to react irrationally and emotionally to situations they may not normally care about. In times of service failures, the same can occur with customers’ responses.

ServiceFriday: Not Slick Enough: How Customers Perceive Weight Discrimination

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a little over 70% of the U.S. population is overweight and the World Health Organization noted that in 2018 the worldwide overweight population doubled between 1980 and now to a staggering 1.9 billion overweight adults.

CSL’s Executive Director Emeritus Mary Jo Bitner Receives Honorary Doctorate

On October 25, the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland conferred the CSL’s own Executive Director Emeritus Mary Jo Bitner an Honorary Doctor of Hanken for her contributions as a leader and pioneer in the development of the service discipline.

ServiceFriday: No Checkouts – The Ultimate Self Service

With the launch of Standard Market in September 2018, the first physical supermarket operated by the startup Standard Cognition, the company is entering the test phase of what could be the future of brick-and-mortar grocery stores. The special thing here? The store does not have any checkouts.

ServiceFriday: Riveting Research on Restaurant Reviews

To celebrate the 500th episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, Corden invited world renowned chef Gordon Ramsey to participate in a skit with himself and Big Brother’s host Julie Chen.

ServiceFriday: Everything is a Service

The service industry has an extensive history of being perceived as separate from the goods-centered industry. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution, a need arose for marketing built on a goods-centered, manufacturing-based model of business, and since then, scholars have sought to create a subdiscipline for services marketing.

ServiceFriday: California Conundrum – Wildfire’s Impact on Service Delivery

Despite the number of wildfires decreasing from their peak in 1980, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Purdue stated in September 2017 that the U.S. was spending more than $2 billion to combat fires. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that 2017 fire season was the most expensive ever with the costs exceeding $2.4 billion.

ServiceFriday: Customers – They Always Need to be the Center of Attention

In a competitive market, there are many different barriers companies may face. What has been found to be the most problematic however, is changing customer demands.

ServiceFriday: Capital Crisis – How Capital Affects B2B Collaborations

It has become fairly common for researchers to investigate the concept of value co-creation (VCC) in the business-to-business (B2B) context. However, the plot twist known as value co-destruction (VCD) has now been thrown into the fray.

ServiceFriday: Creating Unforgettable Experiences for Your Customers

Memorable experiences can have a lasting impact on our perceptions of the brands and companies with which we associate them. A complimentary pint of Guinness served at the highest point in Dublin, with 360-degree panoramic views of the city, is an unforgettable ending to a day at the Guinness Storehouse.

ServiceFriday: Smart to Be Skeptical? Why Consumers Resist Smart Services

Shortly after arriving at ASU, I met one of my most quirkiest and hilarious friends who also happens to be Sparky. Obviously I cannot divulge the identity of our favorite Sun Devil, but I will let you know one thing about him: when he’s not sporting the stylish pitchfork, he wears an Apple watch.

ServiceFriday: We All Just Want to be Part of the In-Crowd

The need for social relationships and a feeling of belonging is at the heart of our most innate desires as human beings. Every act we perform in our daily lives is in some way affected by what has been determined to be our role in society and how we feel we must act to maintain that role and our relationships with others.

ServiceFriday: Temper Tantrum Technique – How the Intensity of Customer Anger Impacts Compensation

In one episode of the hit sitcom Seinfeld, Jerry’s car gets stolen so he must use a rental car in the meantime.

ServiceFriday: Balancing New Technologies and Customer Value

Service technologies are constantly being created and improved, which can provide a multitude of new opportunities for businesses, customers and users. However, businesses tend to lean towards focusing too much on technological improvements, as opposed to customer value.