Blog Posts

ServiceFriday: How to Regain Trust When You’ve Failed Your Customer…Again.

It is commonly understood that service recovery efforts must follow in the wake of a service failure. But what if those recovery efforts are unsuccessful, creating what is called a “double deviation” from customer expectations?

Congratulations to the Winners of the 3rd Annual Young Scholar Research Competition

The Center for Services Leadership is a proud sponsor of the Young Scholar Research Competition and Awards presented at the annual Organizational Frontlines Research (OFR) Symposium held February 21-22, 2019 at the annual 2019 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference which was held February 22 – 24, 2019 in Austin, Texas. 

ServiceFriday: Customer Feedback – Ask with Moderation

“Because satisfaction surveys serve a dual purpose of providing valuable customer feedback and incorporating bidirectional communication into relational marketing strategies, understanding their longer term effects is important.”

ServiceFriday: Four Factors that Make Customers use Your Mobile App Regularly

Since mobile technologies and apps have become a core element in people’s daily lives, branded apps have become an essential marketing communication channel to attract new customers and to enhance customers’ brand loyalty.

ServiceFriday: Service with Emoticons – A Good or Bad Thing?

It is extremely common to use emoticons in daily chatting. They can even be used to interpret an entire sentence. Using emoticons will attach strong emotions to communication, in other words, they bring warmth and connection to people. This strategy has been utilized in commercial relationships as well.

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

The CSL has launched a weekly feature on our blog called “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more.

ServiceFriday: Joining Different Views – How to Deliver a Holistic Customer Experience

In an article published in the Journal of Service Management, CSL Faculty Ruth Bolton with co-authors including CSL Faculty Network members, Janet McColl-Kennedy, Andrew Gallan, and Lars Witell,  presented a new take on the concept of customer experience and its connection to physical, digital and social realms.

ServiceFriday: The Structure of Your Market Influences Your Pricing Objectives

What are the pricing objectives that service organizations pursue to price their services? And how does the market structure impact these objectives?

ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

The CSL has launched a weekly feature on our blog called “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more.

ServiceFriday: Busy as a Bee – A Look into the Warehouse of the Future

While many online retailers like Amazon nowadays use parallel zoning or conveyer belt-based order-to-man approaches in their warehouses, dubbed Customer Fulfillment Centers, Ocado Plc., a British online supermarket company, has now raised the bar of online grocery shopping by deploying robots to assemble customer orders.

ServiceFriday: Robots on the Frontline and the Future of Services

“By 2020, it is estimated that 85 percent of all customer interactions will take place without a human agent”.

ServiceFriday: Universities as Drivers of Prosperity

For strategic executives trying to figure out the location for the next expansion of their business, the decision might have just become a little bit easier.

ServiceFriday: Channel Your Anger to Manage Service Failures

“…customers are more satisfied with failed service encounters when they are aware the employee was reprimanded.”

Introducing ServiceFriday: Interesting Reads for Service and Beyond

The CSL is excited to launch a new weekly feature on our blog we are calling “ServiceFriday”. Each Friday we will post three summaries from some of our favorite sources from research literature, news articles, blogs, and more.

ServiceFriday: Service Reform: Why Service Employees Engage in Sabotage in Refugee Encounters

According to the UN Refugee Agency, in 2019 there were 70.8 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. 25.9 million of these people, over half of whom are under the age of 18, were forced to become refugees and that number is only growing.

ServiceFriday: Don’t Doubt Displays – How Display Formats Affect Consumer Evaluations

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 was the year of the pig. This is ironic seeing as how the U.S.’s 2019 can be seen as the year of the hard seltzer, a time when people everywhere pigged out on spiked seltzer water.

ServiceFriday: Sense of Humor – Humor’s Impact on Consumer Behavior

Rodney Dangerfield, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock all have one thing in common – other than being some of this author’s all-time favorite stand-up comedians – and that commonality is that people flock(ed) to them. But even more recent comedians such as Kevin Hart have also had droves of people come see them.

ServiceFriday: Refrain from Referral? Behavior in Referral Rewards Programs

Referral reward programs (RRPs) are applied by firms to use existing customers to recommend a firm’s service to friends, family and potential new customers.

ServiceFriday: Communicating with Customers: Are You Using the Best Method?

The way you convey a message often has more of an effect than the message itself. When we give presentations or speeches, we know that the way we dress, our facial expressions, and our overall confidence are important in captivating an audience.

ServiceFriday: Newspaper Industry Evolution – Salt Lake Tribune Shifts to a Nonprofit

The newspaper industry is an often overlooked part of the service world and has been struggling in recent years due to problems such as the decline in ad revenues via print ads. So when the Salt Lake Tribune made the unprecedented move to apply for nonprofit exemption in May, it was a big deal.