Blog Posts

Why Data-Driven Growth is so Difficult

Many executives get excited about the huge potential the new digital world offers to their organizations. Yet despite the billions of profits assumed to be accessible through digitalization, only a fraction of this new wealth is realized.

The CSL Continues to be at the Vanguard of Service Education with the Groundbreaking Strategic Service Institute

“This was the best management training program I have ever attended. The faculty and speakers were both knowledgeable and inspirational! I couldn’t help but imagine all the areas where the tools we learned would help our organization better service our customers.

From Data to Profits: Ingredients for Successful Data-Driven Business Development

This webinar was recorded as part of the series by the CSL Community of Practice on Monetizing Data and Analytics.

Any profitable digitization strategy starts with a business model.&

Vixxo – Monetizing Data & Analytics



Implementing Successful Self-Service Technologies

Technology is dramatically and profoundly changing the nature of services by providing tremendous potential for new service offerings, radically revamping how services are delivered, and expanding the global reach of services that historically were tied to their home locations.

Choosing Self-Service Technologies: Ready? Set. Go!

More and more companies are choosing to provide self-service technology options for their customers. Self-check-outs at supermarkets, self-check-ins at airports and online investment trading have proliferated recently, but what makes some of these “do-it-yourself” alternatives attractive to customers? And why do customers resist trying others?

Congratulations to the Winners of 2017 Young Scholar Research Competition

The Arizona State University Center for Services Leadership and the Co-Chairs of the

Join the CSL for our Strategic Service Institute

The Center for Services Leadership is continuing its role as a leader in service education with the announcement of the Strategic Service Institute (SSI), March 13-17, 2017.

Driving Business Value from Digital Transformation

Webinar with Dr.

The Moment of Truth: A Co-creation Perspective

The term “moment of truth” (MOT) is not new to me and I was happy to learn it was an integral part of the customer-experience community vocabulary.  As I have visited with many in the community, I’ve discovered there are various definitions for MOTs in relation to the customer journey.

Essentials for Improving Service Quality in Cancer Care

Leonard Berry, Texas A&M University
Kedar Mate, Weill Cornell Medical College

Compete Through Service Symposium 2016: Recap in Pictures

Thank you to everyone who attend this year’s CTS Symposium!

Motivating Sales Reps for Innovation Selling in Different Cultures

This post shares results of recent research focused on innovation selling across different cultures. The authors recommend an effective strategy and specific tools for motivating international sales force which can increase company’s financial performance when selling innovation.

Bringing Brands to Life

Brands are created by companies, but it’s the end customer who ultimately determines what the brand means to them. So, how do customers come to truly understand a brand and what it stands for?

Delivering an Effortless Customer Experience

In early September, I traveled with friends along the Dalmatian coast, enjoying the sunshine and lingering over cappuccinos late into the night. One evening at dinner, I couldn’t help but remark about the wonderful service at the restaurant. While it was the end of the busy tourist season, our waiter was amazingly attentive.

Branding Your Customer Experience – 2016 Compete Through Service Symposium Theme

We invite you to join us for 2016 Compete Through Service Symposium on October 26-28th, in Scottsdale, AZ!

Communication-in-Use and Customer-Driven Integrated Marketing Communication (New)

Christian Grönroos, Hanken School of Economics Finland
Åke Finne, Hanken School of Economics Finland

Customer Success: The Next Evolution of Customer Service

Whether you are a traditional on-premise supplier or a cloud-based subscription business, “customer success” is where the big dogs play.

What is customer success?

“Customer success” is

CSL Leads a Conversation on Leveraging Big Data & Analytics for Service Innovation and Growth at ISBM Academic Conference

Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) of PennState Smeal College of Business held its biannual academic conference “Advances in Business-to-Business