While frontline employees are critical in creating positive service encounters, many customers are left to their own devices to fully extract the potential value from a service. Across industries such as education, personal finance management, and healthcare, customers are the primary agents in the production of value from services provided by companies.
Where Does the Employee Fit in a Service Operation?
In the classic 1978 HBR article, “Where does the customer fit in a service operation?” Richard Chase described the impact of high or low customer contact on the efficiency of the service production system.
Value-Based Selling In Business Relationships
Christian Grönroos, Hanken School of Economics Finland
Paul Viio, Hanken School of Economics Finland
New Member Spotlight – Announcing the CSL’s Global Partnership with Philips Lighting
The CSL’s member companies and board members are key partners and contributors to the Center. We are happy to announce our most recent partnership with Philips Lighting, a leading provider of solutions and applications for both professional and consumer markets. Philips
SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View
JOIN US ON A SERVICE EXPEDITION: Exploring Services from the Customer’s Point of View on January 15th, 2016!
Aligning Business Model & Culture to Maximize the Analytics Opportunity
In a recent blog post Analytics in Services: Actions versus Talk, we reviewed how companies are applying big data and analytics for both internal and external uses.
The Service Profit Chain: Reloaded
Just over 20 years since its first publication, the Service Profit Chain still appears in the presentations of leading companies at conferences around the world. Perhaps no other management model has survived the test of time and scrutiny by both business and academic leaders. Why?
Study finds anger can overwhelm happiness during holidays
A new study found that feelings of anger can overcome feelings of joy during the holiday season for those who seek shopping help through customer service.
What You Need to Know about the Impact of Service Crises
In sum, companies should focus on a stable (and good) service performance level. Such performance level has the best outcomes for customers’ service assessment, and takes much less effort compared to constant adjustments needed in response to peaks and troughs in service performance.
Practical Ideas for Improving the Quality of Hospice Care
Leonard Berry, Texas A&M University
Stephen Connor, Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance
Brad Stuart, Advanced Care Innovation Strategies
A Conceptual Framework of the Domain of Evidence-Based Design
Roger S. Ulrich, Texas A&M University
Leonard L. Berry, Texas A&M University
Xiaobo Quan, Center for Health Design
Janet Turner Parish, Texas A&M University
An Agenda for Service Research at the Base of the Pyramid
Heiko Gebauer, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Javier Reynoso, EGADE Business School, Monterrey Institute of Technology
26th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium
Thank you for attending the 26th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium!
Please, don’t forget to submit your evaluations. We appreciate your feedback!
Expanding Understanding of Service Exchange and Value Co-Creation: a Social Construction Approach
Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University
Bård Tronvoll, Hedmark University College
Thorsten Gruber, The University of Manchester
Leading a Culture of Service
My experience in customer service started in middle school, working for my grandparents at their retail gift shop. Subsequently, a stint as a restaurant hostess and then a receptionist at a hair salon led me to managing a chain of espresso carts in Seattle where I enjoyed making coffee and talking with customers.
Capitalize on Annual Planning to Manage Customers as Assets
Over the last ten years I’ve become convinced that annual planning is the Achilles’ heel of customer experience. It is at the root of what inhibits the most efficient investment on priority investments in customer driven growth.
CSL Best Practices Sharing Session – Company Sponsored MBA Projects
This is a recording of the CSL Best Practices Sharing Session discussing opportunities for the CSL Member companies to engage W.P. Carey MBA students through company sponsored MBA projects and summer internships. This session was recorded on 10/28/2015.
Analytics in Services: Actions Versus Talk
By all accounts, the use of big data and analytics is exploding. Ironically, relatively little hard analysis has been done to assess exactly how it is being applied, and to what effect – especially as it relates to services.
Creating Technology Converts – Why Your Customers Make the Switch
Your company may have made a major investment in Self Service Technologies (SSTs), but how well do you understand why your customers have used the technology you have created for them – or, more importantly, why they haven’t?
How to Create Customer Delight and Does It Really Drive Loyalty? An Examination of Customer Delight in a B2B Context (New)
Lili Wenli Zou, University of Hong Kong
Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, University of Hong Kong
Kimmy Wa Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University