Blog Posts

A Step-by-Step Plan to Improve CMO-COO Collaboration

You can’t serve customers if this relationship is dysfunctional.

When Do Regulators Become More Important than Customers?

A question for Uber, Airbnb, Weibo, and others.

What is your Customer Experience Strategy? Are you a Vanguard, Transformer or Preserver?

Interview with Phil Klaus, the author of a new book “

Fresh Perspectives on Customer Experience (New)

Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, The University of Queensland
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University
Elina Jaakkola, Turku School of Economics
Phil Klaus, Brunel University London
Zoe Radnor, Loughborough University
Helen Perks, Nottingham University

See the Experience You Are Giving Customers


What does it feel like to do business with you?

Arizona Diamondbacks CEO Creates Fan-Centric Culture

If you attended Compete through Service symposium then you had an opportunity to hear excellent presentations by Bruce Temkin and Derrick Hall about Customer Experience.

Wearing Community: Why Customers Purchase A Service Firm’S Logo Products

Mark S. Rosenbaum, Northern Illinois University
Drew Martin, University of Hawaii, Hilo

Customer Positivity and Participation In Services: an Empirical Test In a Health Care Context

Andrew S. Gallan, Case Western Reserve University
Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Southern Illinois University
Stephen W. Brown, Arizona State University
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University

Signs and Practices as Resources in IT-Related Service Innovation

Helge Lobler, University of Leipzig
Robert Lusch, University of Arizona

Self Service and Inter-Customer Interactions: Blame Attribution, Responsibility Assignment, Perceived Service Quality and Repeat Purchasing Intentions

Mei Li, Arizona State University
Thomas Choi, Arizona State University
Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University
Aaron Crawford, Arizona State University

Reward Redemption Effects in a Loyalty Program When Customers Choose How Much and When to Redeem

Matilda Dorotic, BI Norwegian Business School
Peter C. Verhoef, University of Groningen
Dennis Fok, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, University of Groningen

Self-Service Operations at Retail Stores: The Role of Inter-Customer Interactions

Mei Li*, Lehigh University
Thomas Y. Choi, Arizona State University
Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University
Aaron Crawford, Arizona State University

Why Attachment Security Matters: How Customers’ Attachment Styles Influence Their Relationships With Service Firms and Service Employees

Ruth N. Bolton, Marketing Science Institute
Martin Mende, University of Kentucky

Building Long Term Relationships between Service Organizations and Customers

Ruth N. Bolton, Arizona State University
Ranjit M. Christopher, Arizona State University

Seeding the Cloud by Re-Aligning People, Process and Technology

Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Michael Goul, Arizona State University
George W. Brown, Value Chain Group, Inc.

What do you think, boss? How to gain board support for your Customer Experience (CX) program (and other marketing-led strategies)

According to our most recent research, CX Management, for better or worse, is firmly allocated in the firm’s marketing function. This association, however, triggers multiple challenges for CX managers, or, to be more precise, CMOs worldwide.

Service Experience and Co-creation