Blog Posts

Customer Responses to Channel Migration Strategies toward the E-Channel

Debra Trampe, University of Groningen
Umut Konuş, University of Amsterdam
Peter C. Verhoef, University of Groningen

Human vs. Machine: Exploring the Breadth and Implications of CRM Strategies (New)

Charles H. Noble, The University of Tennessee
W. Adam Powell, Shippensburg University
Sumin Han, The University of Tennessee
Stephanie Noble, The University of Tennessee

Roadmapping the Next Wave of Sustainable IT

Robert Harmon, Portland State University
Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University

Service-Centric Accounting (Sca)

Stephen J. Lusch, University of Kansas
Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona

Service Innovation Is Different

Steve Markham, North Carolina State University
Thomas Hollmann, North Carolina State University

Are all channels truly equal? How to design and manage a successful Multichannel Customer Experience (CX) Program

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing insights from my research and consulting work in a series of posts, which will discuss critical aspects to delivering successful CX experience.

The Effect of Search Channel Elimination On Purchase Incidence, Order Size and Channel Choice

Umut Konuş, Eindhoven University of Technology
Scott A. Neslin, Dartmouth College
Peter C. Verhoef, University of Groningen

Coordination Strategies in a SaaS Supply Chain

* Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Hsing K. Cheng, University of Florida
Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, University of Florida

Managing with a service perspective

Charles R. Greer, Texas Christian University
Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona
Stephen L. Vargo, University of Hawaii

Understanding Unethical Retail Disposition Practice and Restraints From the Consumer Perspective

Mark S. Rosenbaum, Northern Illinois University
Ronald Kuntze, University of Tampa,
Barbara Ross-Wooldridge, University of Texas-Tyler

Balancing Risk and Return in a Customer Portfolio

Crina Tarasi, Central Michigan University
Ruth Bolton, Marketing Science Institute
Michael D. Hutt, Arizona State University
Beth A. Walker, Arizona State University

Comparing the Effect of Store Remodeling on New and Existing Customers

Tracey Dagger, Monash University
Peter J. Danaher, University of Melbourne

Associating Consumer Perceived Value with Business Models for Digital Services

Aaron Baird, Georgia State University
Raghu Santanam, Arizona State University

Signs and Practices as Resources in It-Related Service Innovation (New)

Helge Löbler, University of Leipzig, Germany
Robert F. Lusch, University of Arizona

Investigating the Effects of Daily Inventory Record Inaccuracy in Multichannel Retailing

Thomas J. Kull, Arizona State University
Mark Barratt, Marquette University
Anníbal C. Sodero*, University of Arkansas
Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University

Service-Oriented Technology and Management: Perspectives on Research and Practice for the Coming Decade

Haluk Demirkan*, Arizona State University
Robert J. Kauffman, Singapore Management University
Jamshid A. Vayghan, IBM
Hans-Georg Fill, University of Vienna
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna
Paul P. Maglio, IBM

Customer Effort in Value Cocreation Activities: Improving Quality Of Life and Behavioral Intentions of Health Care Customers

Tracey Danaher, University of Queensland
Janet McColl-Kennedy, University of Queensland
Jill C. Sweeney, University of Western Australia