Blog Posts

The Service Network Experience: Customer Evaluations of Performance and Brand Image

Felicia N. Morgan, University of West Florida
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Amy L. Ostrom, Arizona State University

Profiting from Services and Solutions

Leaders of product-based companies are under an enormous pressure to stay competitive by shifting revenues from selling goods to delivering services and solutions. Yet few executives realize the extent to which they must change their organizations to succeed in growth through services. In this webcast, Dr.

Growing Existing Customers’ Revenue Streams through Customer Referral Programs

Ina Garnefeld, University of Wuppertal
Andreas Eggert, University of Paderborn
Sabrina V. Helm, University of Arizona
Stephen S. Tax, University of Victoria

A Structured Approach to Assessing Retail Store Operations Strategy: Theory, Construct Development and Measurement

Jeff Shockley, Radford University
Aleda V. Roth, Clemson University
Lawrence D. Fredendall, Clemson University

Show you care: initiating co-creation in service recovery

Customers are no longer passive receivers of service offerings from companies, but rather value creators themselves. Companies realize that involving customers in service production and co-production is a cost-saving strategy and an effective way to satisfy customers.

Relationship Productivity: Conceptual Understanding and Measurement (New)

Christian Grönroos, Hanken, School of Economics Finland
Pekka Helle, Hanken, School of Economics Finland
Katri Ojasalo, Laurea University of Applied Science, Finland

Service Innovation and Customer Co-Creation Process

Laurel Anderson, Arizona State University
Andrea Ordanini, Bocconi University, Italy
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Antonella Caru, Bocconi University, Italy
Andrew S. Gallan, Case Western Reserve University

Cocreating the Arab Spring: Understanding Transformation of Service Systems in Contention (New)

Per Skålén, Karlstad University
Kotaiba Abdul Aal, Karlstad University
Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University

Service-Oriented Methodology for Systems Development

Mark Keith, Brigham Young University
Haluk Demirkan, University of Washington Tacoma
Michael Goul, Arizona State University

Innovative Healthcare Delivery

Ann M. Mirabito, Baylor University
Leonard L. Berry, Texas A&M University

Physical Distribution Service Performance and Internet Retailer Margins: The Drop-Shipping Context

Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University
Timothy Laseter, University of Virginia
Manus Rungtusanatham, University of Minnesota

A Global Study of How Goals and Emotions Influence Consumers’ Satisfaction With Their Retail Channel Experiences

Crina Tarasi, Central Michigan University
Ruth N. Bolton, Arizona State University
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University
Lars Witell, Linköping University

When Technology Gets in the Way of Customer Service


It is increasingly rare for customers to complete retail or service transactions without swiping their own credit cards or engaging with point-of-s

Operational Determinants of Product Returns in Internet Retailing – The Role of Physical Distribution Services

Shashank Rao, Auburn University College of Business
Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University

Process Completeness: Strategies for Aligning Service Systems with Customers’ Service Needs

Gabriele Piccoli, Università di Sassari
M. Kathryn Brohman, Queen’s University
Richard T. Watson, University of Georgia
A. Parasuraman, University of Miami

Challenges and Solutions for Marketing in a Digital Era

Peter S.H. Leeflang, University of Groningen
Peter C. Verhoef, University of Groningen
Peter Dahlström, McKinsey & Company, United Kingdom
Tjark Freundt, McKinsey & Company, United Kingdom

Demystifying The Black Box – How To Design, Manage, And Measure The Most Profitable Customer Experience (CX) Strategies

CX blogs, consultants, programs, workshops, conferences, indexes, frameworks, awards, summits, metrics, NPS – CX is everywhere and widely considered the next competitive battleground.

Repay Now or Repay Later: Examining the Effects of Information Disclosure on Consumer Debt Repayment Decisions

Linda C. Salisbury, Boston College
Katherine N. Lemon, Boston College