Blog Posts

Getting the Right Payoff from Customer Penalty Fees

Stephen S. Tax, University of Victoria
Young ‘‘Sally’’ Kim, Shenandoah University
Sudhir Nair, University of Victoria

Institutional Logics Matter When Coordinating Resource Integration (New)

Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University, Sweden
Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Freie Universita¨t Berlin, Germany
Ba˚rd Tronvoll, Hedmark University College, Norway
Patricia McHugh, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Charlotta Windahl, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Drivers of Customers’ Service Experiences, a Study In the Restaurant Industry

Ute Walter, Örebro University
Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University
Åsa Öström, Örebro University

Match or Mismatch: Strategy-Structure Configurations in the Service Business of Manufacturing Companies

Heiko Gebauer, University of St Gallen
Bo Edvardsson. Karlstad University
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University
Lars Witell, Karlstad University

Branded Service Encounters:  Strategically Aligning Employee Behavior With the Brand Positioning

Nancy J. Sirianni, Arizona State University
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Stephen W. Brown, Arizona State University
Naomi Mandel, Arizona State University

Leveraging the Capabilities of Service-Oriented Decision Support Systems in the Cloud

Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Dursun Delen, Oklahoma State University

How to Influence Patients, and Clients, to "DIY"

Over the last year, I have had the remarkable opportunity to work with the Obesity Solutions Initiative, which is a collaboration between Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University.  My work with this outstanding team of people has been varied and challenging, but my background in marketing has been a perfect fit for this endeavor.

Service Differentiation as a Moderator in Relationships among Market Turbulence, Customer Centricity, Innovativeness and Business Performance

Heiko Gebauer, University of St Gallen
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University
Lars Witell, Karlstad University

Branded Service Encounters: Strategically Aligning Employee Behavior with the Brand Positioning

Nancy J. Sirianni, Arizona State University
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Stephen W. Brown, Arizona State University
Naomi Mandel, Arizona State University

Customer-to-Customer Interactions: Broadening the Scope of Word of Mouth Research

Ruth Bolton
Marnix S. Bugel
Oliver Gotz
Barak Libai
Hans Riselada
Ko de Ruyter
Andrew T. Stephen

Service Thought Pieces

Putting Customers at Ease: The Patient’s Point of View

Sally, a married 54-year-old mother of two teenage girls, had just returned from her mammogram follow-up appointment with a troubled look on her face. “What’s the matter?” asked her husband of 25 years. “Again, something showed up, so I have to go for another mammogram and some additional tests,” she responded.

Why the mint on your pillow matters

Unless you spend a lot of time in Louisiana, you likely haven’t heard the term “lagniappe.” But this Creole aphorism has the power to transform your business.

Targeting Gen Y? Look Before You Leap

Gen Y, or the Millennials, are frequently described as narcissistic compared with previous generations; they “want it all” and “want it now.”  Yet, we are also told that they have higher levels of civic engagement – just look at the Arab Spring! Can both be true? Is it even possible to compare Gen Y to previous generations?

Unraveling some of the Mysteries of Factors Driving Innovation Success

Innovation is often cloaked in some degree of mystery – a black box where “change happens” and the world is transformed. Success is often fleeting, and, when failure does occur, there is usually a multitude of views as to what went wrong, with the only commonality being “it was the other guy’s fault.”

Transitioning Services from Free to Fee – How Social Networks are Making it Work

What would it take to convince you to pay for services on Facebook? What about LinkedIn? Or