Michael Dell, said it best: “We’re a company with big ears” – a good thing considering there are more than 25,000 online conversations about Dell each day in English. While that number can be overwhelming, it underscores the wonderful opportunity social media offers for companies to listen, engage, and ultimately understand customers more than ever before.
Changing Customer Behavior- Is it possible?
During the past decade, customers have displayed overwhelmingly positive attitudes toward environmentally-friendly offerings. However, their actual behavior does not mirror these attitudes. Do you think it would be possible to change customer behavior to make them greener?
A Reference Model for Sustainable E-Learning Service Systems: Experiences with the Joint University/Teradata Consortium
* Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Michael Goul, Arizona State University
Mary E. Gros, Teradata Corporation
It’s All Relative: How Customer-Perceived Competitive Advantage Influences Referral Intentions. Marketing Letters
Martin Mende, Florida State University
Scott A. Thompson, University of Georgia
Christian Coenen, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Do App Descriptions Matter? Evidence from a Mobile Apps Market
Gun-Woong Lee, Arizona State University
Raghu Santanam, Arizona State University
Sungho Park, Arizona State University
Taking Value-Networks to the Cloud Services: Security Services, Semantics and Service Level Agreements
* Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Michael Goul, Arizona State University
Conducting service research that matters
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University
Lerzan Aksoy, Fordham University
Michael K. Brady, Florida State University
Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, The University of Queensland
Nancy J. Sirianni, Northeastern University
Lars Witell, Karlstad University
Decoding Customer-Firm Relationships: How Attachment Styles Help Explain Customers’ Preferences for Closeness, Repurchase Intentions, and Changes in Relationship Breadth
Martin Mende, University of Kentucky
Ruth N. Bolton, Marketing Science Institute
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Lessons Patient-Centered Medical Homes Can Learn From Health Maintenance Organizations’ Mistakes
Ann M. Mirabito, Baylor University
Leonard L. Berry, Texas A&M University
Shareholder Value Implications of Service Failures in Triads: The Case of Customer Information Security Breaches
Sachin Modi, McGill University
Michael A. Wiles, Arizona State University
Saurabh Mishra, University of Toledo
Human Resources: Strategic Partner for Services
Traditionally, the role of Personnel, as Human Resources (HR) was once known, centered more on administrative and support activities such as hiring and transferring, maintaining employee records, and administering appraisal, compensation, benefits, equal opportunity, and other employee relations programs.
Smart Healthcare Systems Framework: More Service Oriented, Instrumented, Interconnected and Intelligent
Haluk Demirkan, University of Washington-Tacoma
Electronic Word-of-Mouth Versus Interpersonal Word-of-Mouth: Are All Forms of Word-of-Mouth Equally Influential?
Matthew L. Meuter, California State University, Chico
Deborah Brown McCabe, Menlo College
James M. Curran, University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee
Billions of Impoverished People Deserve To Be Better Served: A Call to Action for the Service Research Community (New)
Raymond P. Fisk, Texas State University
Laurel Anderson, Arizona State University
David E. Bowen, Thunderbird, Arizona State University
Thorsten Gruber, Loughborough University, UK
Amy L. Ostrom, Arizona State University
Lia Patrício, University of Porto, Portugal
Customer Experience Modeling: From Customer Experience to Service Design
Jorge Teixeira, University of Madeira
Lia Patrício, University of Porto
Nuno J. Nunes, University of Madeira
Leonel Nóbrega, University of Madeira
Raymond P. Fisk, Texas State University
Larry Constantine, University of Madeira
Employee Emotional Competence: Construct Conceptualization and Validation of a Customer- Based Measure
Cécile Delcourt, University of Liege, Belgium
Allard C. R. van Riel, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Marcel van Birgelen, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Dwayne D. Gremler, Bowling Green State University
A Multidisciplinary Design Model for New Service Offering Transfers and Internal Integration in Retail Chain Services: A Research Agenda*
Aleda V. Roth, Clemson University
Jeff Shockley, Radford University
Privacy and Value Co-Creation for IT-Enabled Service Systems: Cui Bono?
Ellen Chan, Portland State University
Robert R. Harmon, Portland State University
* Haluk Demirkan, Arizona State University
Decoding Customer-Firm Relationships: How Attachment Styles Help Explain Customers’ Preferences For Closeness, Repurchase Intentions, and Changes In Relationship Breadth
Martin Mende, University of Kentucky
Ruth N. Bolton, Marketing Science Institute
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University
Selective Halo Effects Arising from Improving the Interpersonal Skills of Frontline Employees
Tracey Dagger, Monash University
Peter Danaher, Melbourne Business School
Jillian C. Sweeney, University of Western Australia
Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, University of Queensland